WHMP: 19 October 2017

After my disappointment of yesterday’s weight in, I am in a much better frame of mind today. I have regrouped and pulled up my not-so-big-anymore pants and moved onwards and upwards.
And I literally mean not so big anymore!
Day 4 of 5 of fluid flush and I can honestly say tomorrow will definitely be the last day and I will be ready to move onto my 5 days of textural torture of purees……but I will do it!!
I was chatting with one my lovely work colleagues (who is also a dear friend) today, she was telling me how excited she gets every morning to see what new outfit I am going to wear and how much she is loving my new found confidence and style. While my top and cardy wasn’t new today, my skirt was and it’s a miracle!!!
IT WAS A SIZE 18 SKIRT…..I was a size 18 when I left high school! It’s a stretchy skirt so a forgiving size but I’m taking it regardless, I wore a size 18!!!
Mum is down tonight and the NSV victories keep piling up today with Mum telling me how clear my skin is and that she can’t remember it ever looking so flawless.
So yes the numbers where shitty yesterday during the weigh in but today I am celebrating my progress in other ways! Compliments on my new wardrobe and style, shrinking undies, size 18 skirts and clear skin wins are celebrated today!!