WHMP: 2 October 2017

Last night was another brutal night with the little guy who decided that last night party time went from 12.30-6am. Started my days with 3 hours and 48 minutes sleep and a double shot protein iced coffee.
The day started pretty sluggish and it took me a while to get going but managed to drag myself to the gym reluctantly at about 2pm and did an hour of cardio.
When I got home I had a random burst of energy and decided that while the sun was shining I would get some of this vitamin D that I am low on into me and got stuck into some gardening and when I say gardening I mean heavy duty weeding for the first time post-winter
I also de-weeded the the veggie patch and planted some more seedlings. I now have tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, capsicums, zucchini and watermelons planted. I am THE worlds worst gardener but let’s see if I can keep these plants alive to at least see one of each grow!
Much to my surprise the 50 minutes of gardening was quiet the little workout on its own burning 612 calories in the process!
While I was doing this gardening I also was multi-tasking like a boss cooking a roast at the same time. My favourite of all time favourite roasts is roast pork belly. I have tried it a couple times post-op and every time it has ended very badly in “dump-town” but today I celebrate a food NSV in that I ate my tea party roast pork belly……AND IT STAYED DOWN!!
And then finished off my delicious meal with another new recipe creation of some protein biscotti.
So while I had a crappy night and a slow start to my day I had a super productive and delicious day!