WHMP: 21 October 2017

Happy 10 months to me…..I really can’t believe how quickly the time has passed!
That means it’s time to do my monthly body measurements. This month I have lost another 3.5cms across my 6 measure points. My calves and thighs unfortunately haven’t moved in a long time but I can still celebrate losing a total of 147cm off my body since my first appointment with Lilian. Shut the front door….that’s nearly 1 & 1/2 metres.
I was intending to go to the gym this morning but we had a Jelly incident which meant the little guy wasn’t in an condition to go to the crèche.
The Jelly incident….I have been feeling a bit bottled up lately so I decided to add some of Lachlan’s movicol junior into a batch of jelly I made for myself. Jamie wasn’t aware that the Jelly was laced with laxatives and during Lachlan’s regular middle of the night party time he ate pretty much all of the laced jelly. Needless to say the little guy is no longer blocked and I literally had a shitty morning.
Things settled down in the afternoon and got to spend some time pottering around in the yard, mowing the lawns and doing some more of the weeding. Jamie was joking about me being an energiser bunny as was constantly telling me to sit down and relax.
Today was day 1 of my next phase of my Holly style reset being the textural torture phase of purees! 1 day down and 4 to go…..I can honestly say my restrictions really are tightening up not even able to finish any of my meals and the biggest serving was 1/2 cup of volume.