WHMP: 26 October 2017

Today I get to celebrate another NSV in my quest to get out my funk.
This morning on my way to work I returned my CPAP machine. Why did I return it? Because due to my weight loss I no longer suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea. This is the one of the best NSV’s yet as it shows another benefit besides weight loss. With the other being my health improving and sleeping better without sounding like a grizzly bear in hibernation snoring.
While I was there I was I was having a chat to the lady behind the desk. We were talking about my sleeve and she was explaining to me that her brother in law had the same procedure and that it resulted him ended up becoming a different and less desirable person to be around. He became judgemental, rude and offensive to all the people on his life and became bitter and resentful of the people in his life who were living a ‘normal’ life and having all the things he never let go off and couldn’t have anymore.
It made me stop and realise that yes this sleeve does so much more than change your body shape and your appearance that it really does change every aspect of your life. But in my situation I am so very grateful that I feel like my entire being has improved – I am stronger, I am positive for myself and others, I am determined and committed, I am making and appreciating better choices in my life, I am willing and able to help as many as I can who are on the same path.
My sleeve journey has done so much more than provide me with my new streamlined face…..
It’s provided me with the opportunity to find my true inner self and I kind of like this person and appreciating her a little bit more each and everyday.