WHMP: 29 October 2017


So nothing exciting happened today so I thought I would share the answer to the question I get asked regularly.

What can you eat?

To answer the question it’s simple, I can eat whatever I want just in a much much smaller portion.

This is an example of what I can eat. For dinner tonight I cooked a delicious lamb roast with roast vegetables and gravy. I had 2 thin slices of meat, 2 small roast potatoes and 3 small roast carrot pieces. But as delicious as it was I still couldn’t finish the portion I had.

While I normally try to make the conscious effort to avoid high carb foods but tonight I enjoyed potatoes. My new food ethos is that I chose to no longer diet, my new world is about making conscious decisions and opting to a healthy and balanced food intake with all things in moderation.

I can still have cookies, I just make them myself with no sugar, added protein in appropriate portion control.

I can still have desserts, I just make them myself with no sugar, added protein in appropriate portion control.

I can still enjoy a variety of fresh and delicious foods in appropriate portion control. This lunchbox is my breakfast, lunch and 2 snacks.

So yes my sleeve has helped me with adjusting to my tea party portions but it has been me that has completely overhauled what I eat.

So why has my portion control substantially changed? What did my sleeve actually do?

The average adult stomach has the capacity to hold between 1.5-2 litres. With my sleeve Percy’s new capacity is 150ml. This next picture is not for the faint hearted, this is not actually my stomach but this is a visual representation of what I had removed and I’m so bloody happy it’s gone and has been the tool to support me in making these much needed lifestyle changes.