WHMP: 7 October 2017


Energy plus today and boy oh boy did I put it to good use!

Started the day at the gym doing both weights and cardio burning off a cheeky 800 calories. I was a bit sluggish to start after having nearly a full week off at the gym but pushed through, increased my weights on all the equipment and increased the workload on the cross trainer.

On my way out of the gym I noticed a new promotion that they have just launched and I am seriously thinking about giving it a crack….nothing ventured nothing gained right?


I’m going to have a chat with Anita and see what she thinks about my being involved as she understand my situation better than all the other staff there.

When I got home my mate Mr Parcel Man had been again and left me a couple little presents waiting to be opened. I was super excited to receive my new gym pants. These were both premature purchases having them ready for when I had downsized enough to fit in them. Just for shits and giggles I thought I would try them on, well shoot me down with a feather they bloody fit now. They are too tight and can’t breathe properly but they fit!! Probably in another 5kg gone they will be good to go!

One pair while I was putting them away I thought to myself let’s do a comparison against my old pants. Admittedly they are different material with one being cotton pj pants and the new ones being compression gym pants BUT the difference is crazy where all you can do it look back and say “holy crap”.

After I had a shower I was feeling inspired by seeing lots of people (especially my sleeve sisters; Tara and Courtney) getting their new toned and terrific shoulders out so thought I would try on off the shoulder general size section kmart too I bought a couple months ago.

So I have to admit I absolutely love love love the shape and tone of my shoulders but this top was the most uncomfortable and inconvenient tops I have ever worn! I constantly wanted to adjust the shoulders or pull them back down when they popped up and I spent the entire time trying to readjust my boobs back where they are supposed to be. My new wind sock status is not the best situation for a low grade strapless bra to keep things under control.

10 minutes……that’s how long it lasted before it pissed me off enough to change out of the top again! But hey, I admired my shoulders for a while πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

After that I went into a zone where I not only cleared out another round of my too big clothes and put away all my new generously regimes additions but also went through Lachlan’s entire wardrobe to cull out all the clothes, particular his clothes from last summer, that no longer fit him.

Vinnies…..there are another 6 bags coming your way!

I also did 7 loads of washing, cleaned the kitchen, did the grocery shopping, vacuumed the floors, cooked dinner and tendered to my veggie patch. It wasn’t until about 5pm that I actually sat down and thought wow you have had one hell of a busy day and thank goodness you have all this abundance of new energy as 9 months ago this would have NEVER happened. I would have gone the grocery shopping and I would have been done, spent, exhausted!

Life is good, even if I do everything full steam ahead!