WHMP: 8 October 2017

Today I was so out of my comfort zone it wasn’t funny! I went to ridiculous playground! What is ridiculous playground? It’s an adult sized playground full of giant adult sized inflatable obstacle and slides etc.
Driving there I felt nauseous with nerves and nearly wanted to chicken out completely and no even go! BUT I pushed through the anxiety of being the fat chick rolled around like a beached whale that everyone was looking at and who couldn’t do anything and just went and did it and you know what…….
IT WAS FREAKING AMAZING!!! I can not remember the last time that I had laughed so hard and had so much bloody fun!!
There were 6 different obstacles to conquer. Some of them I tried and wasn’t a huge fan of (or I completely sucked at them) and others I loveeeedddddd and did them multiple times!
This one was awesome! We when I this at least 10 times! You climbed up the steep incline within an obstacle style free swinging rope and the obstacle steps and then you went down the approximately 5 metre slide. This was fun and I was surprised that I had the upper body strength to do this once let alone time and time again!! The pads of my hands are a bit tender from rope burn tonight but so worth it
I hated his one. I did it once and that was enough for me!! I got over those damn things but that was enough for me!
This is the one I was the most nervous about as it was a 4 metre free fall leap into a giant pillow! I got up the top and was looking down and it was hard to take that leap to jump but I did it! But them I got lost hahahaha I completely sunk into the pillow and couldn’t get any grounding in the giant squishy inflatable pillow that I was engulf and couldn’t move. Eventually after a couple minutes I managed to very ungraciously roll out and crack up laughing. Didn’t do that one again.
This one was so much bloody fun but gosh that foam tasted freaking revolting and talk about dry out your skin. I have no idea how many times we went on this but if was probably close to 10 times. Foamy fun and hilarity.
Tried it…..epic fail hahahaa
I stood on the platform and I couldn’t even figure out how to even launch on to that first gigantic ball! Well I jumped, which was a feat on its own realistically, but it was a huge fail lol
I didn’t even make the first ball and completely face planted and the landed on my back bedding into the crack of the padding sections laughing hysterically. Won’t be trying that one again.
This was by far my favourite of all obstacles.
It was challenging and exhausted but it was so much fun!! You had to climb up 30 stairs and then launch yourself down a slide that was 4 storey high. I think we did this one at least 15 times if not more and just quietly I was a bloody champion at all! Most people tapered off on speed half way down the slide however I was a super charged rocket managing to not only reach the end nearly every time but to go completely hurtling into the inflatable wall ending in a mangled up and crumpled heap.
I had my Fitbit on for the first 30 minutes and managed to burn off 406 calories. I then decided it was probably safer for the life of my Fitbit to go and put it in my bag as I was already completely drenched in that time. Knowing that the first 30 minutes we went a bit slow and steady I can honestly say it would have been at least 1,500 calories burnt in that 2 hours!
There was also an unspoken about obstacle that wasn’t on the brochure!! That was called tackling completely drenched and soapy gym pants and super sucker knickers in porta-loos!! Man that was an interesting endeavour!! In my head I had visions of my little cubicle going toppling over as I was trying to tame the wet and slippery clothes!!
A year ago this would not have even been remotely a possibility, today it was amazing!! I was a drenched, foamy, sweaty, itchy hot mess who was constantly having wardrobe malfunctions and boob slips from a too large and wet top but I had the most fun I have had doing something ridiculous in a long time!
Just saying I’m a bit proud of me!!