WHMP: 10 November 2017

Sweet baby Jesus!! My shoulder and arms are SCREAMING at me blue murder…they are definitely not very happy with being awoken yesterday during my PT session.
On top of my gym pain I also have an ouchie pain on my arm! Last night just before bed I managed the near impossible and because I have excess saggy skin that gets in the way I accidentally pinched the saggy skin in the pantry door….needless to say it’s just another pain in my arm today!
My legs were somewhat stiff and achey but I pushed through and still walked to and from my meeting at Women’s and Children’s Hospital in North Adelaide
Even if I did forget to stop the tracker on my trip back to the office.
One of the ladies on the floor who is in a different team, I don’t have a whole lot to do with her except making small chit-chat in the hallways. I ran into her in the kitchen at coffee time and she said she couldn’t believe how much I was fading away and how amazing I am looking. It’s such a bizarre conversation to have particularly with those who I haven’t openly discussed my surgery with.
So I finished my first week back at work full time and it was an intense stressful full on and super productive week and when I got home I wanted to unwind and feel human and “normal”.
My sleeve does not define me……I define me!! And tonight I make the decision to drink some calories, it’s a conscious decision to do something that I wouldn’t do on a daily basis but tonight I throw caution to the wind and I live my new balanced life for me 😀