WHMP: 11 November 2017

Saturday morning routine is the little man and I head off to the gym! But this week the normal Saturday morning gym workout didn’t happen. Instead I had a work out of a different variety!
We have our routine house inspection coming up this week so this means one thing CLEAN UP FRENZY hahaha – the house is pretty well ready to go on a daily basis for a house inspection the garden however – well that is a completely different story! I am NOT a gardener by any means and I am not one who enjoys or finds it therapeutic. Well I never used to anyway!
Two and a half hours and over 1,100 calories later my yard is looked freaking awesome!
And for the first time in my life I can honestly say I didn’t hate gardening with a passion. I actually quiet enjoying spending the time outside in the sunshine with Jamie and Lachlan. Despite the few moment of me channeling my dear Dad’s temper tantrum when things didn’t go right using the new line trimmer we bought yesterday.
I am also enjoying pottering around in my veggie patch and I am a little bit too proud of my rapidly growing gold zucchini’s – these are the first fruit or vegetable I have EVER grown! I know at 36 I am probably leaving my run a bit late but hey it’s better late than never.
It’s so bizarre that an outcome of my surgery is that I can say that not only do I no longer hate gardening, I might even slightly enjoy it buying a few extra plants for the garden at Bunnings this afternoon which I have already planned a few of the seedlings.
I often wonder what my dearly departed Dad would think of everything I have been through over the last 12 months. I know he was always worried about my size and weight but didn’t really say anything about it just always encouraged me to get fitter and be more active. I really hope that he is proud of me not only for my progressive weight loss but also for the changes and improvements for me in a person and as a mother!
I am certain he will be looking down at you and being so proud of all you’ve achieved . You’re a legend , and your garden looks pretty good to me. Xx
Thanks Lyn….I sure hope so xx
And I hope the property manager agrees on the garden 😉