WHMP: 2 November 2017

I’m getting myself prepared for stage 2 of my refocus! I have finished my holly-ified reset, this week I am doing some home stretches with an increased repetition every day and next week I am starting back on logging my food diary. I was filling out the food diary I have and it asked me one simple question.
“Why I’ve decided to take on this journey”
Such a simple question but it’s a really difficult one to answer. In fact it took me nearly half an hour to find the right words to answer the question.
I am so glad that I finally found the right words to this question and I will be keeping this page as a reference point.
When I am feeling lost, when I’m feeling deflated, when I’m feeling hopeless, when I’m feeling like a failure, when I’m feeling like I’m fighting a losing battle – I will refer back and read this page to remind myself of where I WILL get to and where I am already so much closer to being than I was this time last year!
And just a quick side note…..my collar bones wants to say hello to everyone!