WHMP: 20 November 2017

Call the freaking newspaper…..TODAY I RAN!!
This morning I woke up and I was intending to go to the gym before work but it was such a beautiful spring morning that instead I decided to go for a walk.
On my travels I’m not sure what I was thinking but I decided that I would even attempt this jogging business. While it was only about 2 minutes that I ran for, I did it! I couldn’t believe I actually ran, I haven’t ran in more years than I care to even remember! I probably could have gone on for a bit longer if it wasn’t for the “boob factor”, clearly the sports crop top from Kmart I was wearing is not a high impact running friendly variety.
4km, 478 calories burnt and the opportunity to admire my own legs in the shadow form…..what a glorious start to my day!