WHMP: 23 November 2017

My day started with my alarm blaring at 5.30am, reluctantly I dragged my arse out of bed and for myself ready and off to the gym. Not sure I was ready for my half hour misery session, oh oopsy I mean PT session, with Anita. I did my 10 minute warm up and then my half hour session with the torturer burning a tidy little 680 calories, not a bad kick start to my day! I am pretty sure that I made noises that no grown woman should make in public or in fact at all. Talk about push me to the brink! And my gosh my body is in all sorts of aching pains all day…..and they say exercise is good for you, how can anything that hurts this much we good for you?
Got home and quickly got ready for work, pulled out another one of my gorgeous gifted Calvin Klein dresses and it’s almost getting a touch baggy, so I decided I would park in the target carpark when I got into the city to try and find a belt.
On my way to work I randomly looked down and couldn’t believe the huge gap between the steering wheel. When I started this crazy journey my seat was as far back as it could possibly go and my belly touched the steering wheel. I now have my seat pulled forward at least 4 clicks and there is still plenty of breathing room. As a random experiment when I got into the carpark I put my seat back as far as it could possible go and in all honesty I have no idea how I used to safely drive with my seat so far back, it was not at all a comfortable position and the gap is now bigger than the length of my water bottle!
Walking through target I managed to find a belt and I can’t believe it, a standard size L/XL belt actually fits and wasn’t even on the last hole! I never thought I would EVER see the day that I was going to buy a belt to promote waist definition!
My boss pulled me aside today and gave me some great feedback. She was telling me that my whole demeanour has changed since I have come back to work after surgery and how each and every month while I have been physically shrinking my professional capabilities and confidence has been flourishing and that “I’m nailing my job”. So I guess that’s a NSV that I didn’t even consider was a possibility, my physical and mental changes would mean that I would be better at my job!
Go girl! Pat on the back from the boss? You can’t beat that on a soggy morning. Well done.xxx