WHMP: 26 November 2017

My day started early this morning with Lachlan’s having his party time at 5.20am, he fell back to sleep at 6.30 and rather than going back to sleep I decided to kick start my day with a walk. After my attempt to run a couple of days ago and the support and encouragement from some of my sleeve sisters I decided to give this running caper another shot. I did 6 small bursts of jogging…..I am pretty sure I have absolutely no style, I was causing mini earthquakes with each thud of my foot hitting the pavement and jiggled so much I looked like a jelly fish trying to escape a net! But I did it!!
Just under 4.5km and 615 calories later I arrived back home hot, sweaty and accomplished! I can’t believe I had reached my daily steps target and burnt that many calories all before 7.30am and before 1 single calorie had passed my lips! Wardrobe function and all after losing a boob during one of my running stints.
When I got home I had some cute down time with my little man having some “squishes” aka bear hugs! Love being about to physically parent the way I want and the way he deserves!
Today was an event, one that I thought I would never be brave enough to do, even if it was just around home….I wore shorts!! And they didn’t look hideous.
Another weekend done and dusted and back to work again tomorrow.