WHMP: 29 November 2017

Weigh in Wednesday
It’s just a teeny tiny loss this week but I will take it!
This week – 0.1kg
Since surgery – 62.3kg
Total – 81.2kg
Thank goodness for my protein packed lunch today otherwise my calories and protein levels would have been not so great today!! It was one of those days where I struggled with food and drinks, it may have been from the heat, it may have been because I was flat out with work but it was one of those days.
And it ended with a rarity for me, I couldn’t be bothered with dinner, I couldn’t be bothered with preparing anything that was Holly-Ified and all I actually felt like was Vegemite in toast….so that’s what I had for dinner! One luscious carb filled piece of toast with lashings of butter and Vegemite. I enjoyed every tiny mouthful and there was not crumb of guilt about having it. It’s been 6 months since I have had “real” bread so it’s safe to say it’s definitely all in moderation.