WHMP: 30 November 2017

My day started with my 6am PT session, of course doing my standard warm up in preparation for the torture of Anita.
My torture session of 3 rotations of gigantic step ups, leg lift things, squats with weigh raises. The second of the 3 rotations was bloody horrific that my heart stopped beating (aka Fitbit stopped registering my heartbeat because I was too sweaty again) I jumped!! That evil horrible delightful amazing supportive Anita made me do box squat jumps, lateral raises and chest press on the free weights machine. I didn’t know that I could jump at all let alone jump 60 times….that second rotation was not fun at all but I’m super proud that I did it – I whinged, grunted, swore, sweated and struggled the whole way through….but I did it!
When I got back and got ready for work I was really annoyed that I couldn’t find the top I wanted to wear so I was very annoyed. So decided that I would try that 1X zulily dress I bought ages ago that has been patiently waiting to fit. I didn’t think it would be any time soon since only 4 months ago I wore my first zulily dress which was a 4X.
The 1X dress fit and fitted well without looking like it was a piece of raw roast pork stuffed into elastic roast netting. I think I looked nice and gave me a really flattering shape and definition.
Feeling good today…..even if my body is hurting!