WHMP: 4 November 2017

Well things got…….stressful today!!
My Saturday started off like any normal Saturday. I did a breakfast cook up for the family, I got a bit excited with mine and was completely dreaming when I served mine up!
After that I got myself motivated to go to the gym and what better way to be motivated than to actually have it written on your pants!!
30 minutes on the cross trainer, 15 minutes on the stair master, 20 minutes on the bike and 980 calories later it’s safe to say it was a decent workout!
And I have to admit Jamie is right, my normal work out tops are ridiculous and it’s time for them to move on to a new home, particularly since I had wardrobe malfunction today and did some workout bra flashing lol
After that I came home to have a quick shower to get ready to go to a friends house for a birthday BBQ. I felt good, I feel that I looked nice and in a rare occurrence I wasn’t having massive clothing anxiety!
Well as we were about to head off that’s where things got stressful! The little man was running in excitement and tripped over his own feet and in the process face planted the textured concrete rendered wall out the back and cracked his head open! So within 5 minutes we were in the car and off to the emergency room!
The little guy with his ASD does not cope at all with situations like this and the environment of hospital and waiting. He also most certainly doesn’t understand that he needs to sit through treatment to help him feel better! Pre-sleeve I really struggled to deal with him in situations like this but now I am a calmer, stronger and more resilient person and it makes the stress of these situation so much easier to handle…..even if it means physically straddling him on the emergency stretcher and restraining his head while the emergency doctor flushes the wound clean.
He is ok thank goodness! No stitches or glue required and no signs of concussion or any damage more than a superficial wound. Some steri-strips to hold the wound together together with his “sore head special bandaid hat” and some pain relief we were able to come home!
My poor little man, he’s such a brave little warrior! While I had motivation written on my legs to start my day the truth of the matter is that any motivation I need to keep me going to be the best, happiest and healthiest version of myself comes from one place and one place only!! This dear little man….special bandaid hat and all 😍