WHMP: 9 November 2017


Well today I did something for the first time! I had my first PT session! Alarm set for 5.30am, gym clothes laid out ready to go!

Got there a bit early so I did a 10 minute warm up on the cross trainer.

And then in began!! This is Anita my lovely amazing inspiring hilarious hard arse PT!! She didn’t get a say about this she just my got my phone shoved in her face!

We did my half hour work out. I did 3 sets of

  • Battle rope slams
  • Battle rope lifts
  • Kettle bell upright rower
  • Mountain climbers (only in the first set)
  • Walking lunges
  • Wall sits
  • Lateral raises
  • Elevated dumbell squats; and
  • The rower

I felt physically sick like I was either going to hurl or pass out but with Anita’s “encouragement” I whinged my way through everything she wanted me to do.

My Fitbit said that I burnt 375 calories however I know that it would have been more than that because my heart stopped beating for 10-15 minutes of the session!

Well not actually stopped beating but my heart rate was not registering because my arm was that sweaty! I was one sweaty hot mess by the end of the session.

Got home and quickly got ready for work and off I went for another day.

I had meetings all over the place and once again used my legs instead of taxi’s clocking up extra steps for my daily target. My 10am I had already hit my daily target steps.

On my way back to the office I called into Country Health’s head office where I worked for many years. I haven’t been into that office to visit since about March. One lovely friend knows about my surgery and is always so lovely and supportive. It’s always lovely to be a surprise guest for JC! I then went to visit my old team, the EA of the team didn’t know about my surgery and her words “holy crap you’ve lost a lot of weight”…which JC and I giggled saying just a little bit.

I then knocked on the wall of the girl who recruited me back in 2007 who looked up and said “hi can I help you?” And then then took about 30 seconds of her staring at me before she realised it was me. Hahaha someone who has known me for 10 years and who knew I was having the surgery didn’t recognise me.

It’s a weird compliment to look like a different person 🙂

Overall a good day…..but will I be able to walk tomorrow?? I hope so as I have a meeting at the Women’s & Children’s Hospital that I am planning on walking to!