WHMP: 15 December 2017

Today I appreciate my sleeve and my new healthy lifestyle from so many different angles.
To start with I didn’t go to the gym, but instead I dropped the car off to the service and instead of catching a cab home, I did something I never would have considered doing even 3 months ago!! I walked home…..well not all the way home but just shy of 7km until Jamie picked me up after he had done school drop off. I even took the opportunity to do a bit of random jogging along the way.
Along the way I also stopped and paused to check myself out! Well not actually myself but my shadow, I was so surprised by my shadow form, the shape in my legs and the every elusive emerging thigh gap….I don’t think I have had a thigh gap in my entire life.
I remembered taking my first shadow photo earlier this year as I was so shocked with how my shadow looked. From my Percy journal on 14th April this year I wrote “My shadow actually looked like a person as opposed to my shadow that I am used to that resembled a gigantic sasquatch that’s chasing me”. So today I thought I would do a shadow composition against the first shadow photo I took that I liked. I am literally a shadow of my former self!
Got home and got ready for work. Yet another new Zulily dress, I’ve gone from 4x down to 0x in the BellaBerry brand which converts to size 16-18. I am honestly gob smacked that I am now considering some clothes (depending on the cut and the material) with a number that starts with a 1. It was my last day of running focus groups and delivering presentations so it was a nice feeling today to feel confident!
Before I went to my presentation I had a social catch up with the nurse from my bariatric clinic. It was a weird feeling going into the office socially without feeling anxious about any appointment. The receptionist commented on how amazing I was looking and was sorry she didn’t mention it last week when I was there for my appointments as she didn’t recognise me until after I had left.
After work when I got home my little man wanted to go for a walk to the playground together, so off we trekked to have a swing and a play. It’s nice to be able to participate and sit comfortable on the swing next to him.
Another little girl, probably around 4 years old, rocked up and over heard her say to her Mum. “Mum there is another boy and his mummy on the swings but it’s ok she is very pretty so I will just ask her if I can have a turn on the swing”. The honesty of words out of a kids mouth makes me heart melt!
When it was home time there was one little boy who was NOT happy with the idea of leaving the playground so I had to piggy back 33kg of dead weight the 1km back home again.
What an amazing reflection that I used to carry 2.5 Lachlan’s on my frame! How on earth did I manage to function with that padding on my body as I DID NOT enjoy lugging around that extra weight on my back!
So overall today has been an awesome day and while I’m tired after my 16,000 steps for the day and there is no better way to celebrate feeling amazing is with a ย Friday face off.
I am content with life and I will be going to bed with a big smile on my face!
And so you should gorgeous girl. That dress is amazing, you look fantastic. Xx