WHMP: 17 December 2017

Today has been a slow slow day! Why?? Because I am so hungover that it’s not funny, someone needs to turn down the sun and make the birds stop tweeting so damn loudly…..
Last night I went to one of my best friends birthday party and for the first time in a very very long time and the first time since surgery that I have completely threw caution to the wind, let my hair down and over indulged in alcohol. I can honestly say the affects of alcohol hit you a lot harder and faster than it used to with much less needed to get you to that point!
Last night I also ticked an item off my WLS bucket list. In my entire adult life I’d see others my age looking amazing, funky and stylish in play suits. So on my WLS bucket list was to comfortably wear a playsuit with confidence and pride and last night….I did just that!!
My dear friend Hayley and her Mum both have a huge place in my heart and my cup of love for them is overflowing with all the joy, pride and support they showed me of my achievements. It really makes you feel so proud when people you respect so much provide you with such praise and accolades.
I still had to parent today in my poorly condition so decided to venture out of the house and take the little guy to the local public pool for some play time. This meant that I had to pull out the new smaller bathers that I have bought myself.
So off we went and I got to again feel another WLS little win of being comfortable in public wearing bathers without hiding under a baggy big top. I have strategically bought the new bathers to have an inbuilt ruffled skirt to cover Bertha and my upper thighs which are so beyond offensive to the eyes! AND not only did I wear my bathers I discover the beach towels is now big enough to wrap the entire way around me and tuck it in.
I also made a weird observation that I wasn’t the largest person there which is a very rare occurrence for me. Don’t get me wrong I am not looking around and judging other people AT ALL but it’s so unusual and nice to just blend in with the masses and not to feel like an eyesore.
Despite all of the good that has happened in my day I am a bit of an emotional mess today that I have been crying on and off all day as I’m struggling to focus on anything else other than all my revolting hideous excess skin.
Tomorrow is a new day, I wonder what it will bring? Apart from my lunchbox that is….
I feel the same this excess skin really put me down I look good with clothes on but the minute I take them off the skin just droops and makes noise while having sex it needs to go
Yup I’m exactly the same not to mention the Chinese burn effect of the excess skin