WHMP: 19 December 2017

Today I’m all about appreciating the world!!
Firstly, I am appreciating my new found determination, dedication and love for the gym. Yes I said it out loud my LOVE FOR THE GYM. I am so appreciative of the fact that I now have the health and fitness to sustain and ‘shred’ high impact workouts multiple times a week!
This is evident by my kickstart to my morning!
Secondly, I am appreciating my new found appearance. While is freaks the crap out of me that I don’t actually recognise myself anymore I am so very grateful that I like that I see in these pictures, even if I am still adjusting to it being me. I like the healthy clear skin, the sass and the confidence that is tying to bubble through. I like the person that I am becoming!
Thirdly, I am appreciating my partner, fiancĂ©, soul mate, pain in the arse and other half Jamie. He has been so incredibly supportive and encouraging of me throughout the last year. He supports me in having the freedom to go to the gym whenever I want, he doesn’t question me with my slightly new shopping addiction, he doesn’t see the flaws and revolting-ness of my unclothed body and constantly reminds me of how proud he is of me and that the skin is only temporary. He supports me with my tiny meals and is so kind as to finish my meals when I can’t! I just wish when I’m having wardrobe anxieties and I am looking for advice on what looks good and what doesn’t look good that I get more than an answer of “it’s fine” or when I ask what I should wear and I get the answer of “clothes”. I guess you can’t win them all and overall you’re my diamond even though you’re a bit rough!
Lastly, I am appreciative of my little tiny terror! Today is his birthday, he is 6 today.
It has been the best 6 years of my life. He has bought me so many smiles, laughs, tears, challenges and personal growth that I could ever even attempt to describe. To steal Jerry McGuire’s words LochieD you complete me! I am so honoured and privileged to be his mum. He is my reason, my being, my motivation, my inspiration and my world!
It’s nice to occasional reflect on the bigger picture. I know I can become so consumed in my little sleeve world that I need to stop pause and appreciate all that I am blessed to have in my life!