WHMP: 2 December 2017

Saturday morning means one thing…..gym date with my main little guy! Off we went on our little weekly outing together!
I was preparing myself more than I normally do, wardrobe wise and I decided to double bag the wind socks!! Lately as I have been pushing myself more I have found the jiggle factor has been really bloody comfortable and at times (depending on what I was doing) painful!
Why is it necessary to double bag these socks….because of this blasted excess skin, the battle is daily and the battle is really bloody frustrating!
I started off on the bike with a cheeky 11km, I then did 3 sets of the weight machines I use…I was then procrastinating to the nth degree and ended up having a text convo with Anita (my personal trainer)
Me: Need tough love – tell me to stop being a chicken shit and run on the treadmill in public
Anita: Do it woman… you’ll be fine. Did you die last time?!!!
And because I respect her and she slightly terrifies me in an awesome and motivating way I did it!!
I did 20 minutes on the treadmill at anywhere between 9-10km/hour for 30 seconds running, 30 seconds rest. My gosh that got the heart rate going and the sweat happening. It’s safe to say by the end of my time at the gym I well and truly looked like I had been through the ringer!
The rest of the day I have pretty chilled out and struggled to eat anything really substantial or requiring a lot of effort of my behalf, so had a lot of snacky, pre-prepared foods – not a lot of fresh which I don’t like, but I have somehow managed to get my minimum protein target which is super important for me on a day like today where I have pushed hard and worked hard at the gym!