WHMP: 25 December 2017


Today is Christmas Day. I am not a religious person so I don’t celebrate the religious beliefs of Christmas but I believe that Christmas is a time of giving and a time of appreciation all of those amazing people in your life!

Today I have had an amazing day. I have seen my family, Jamie’s family (my extended family) and some of my closest friends. A day that was filled with laugh, love, friendship, food and frivolity! My amazing family and extended family have been so incredibly encouraging, supportive and positive in my progress in the last 12 months and their belief in me really gives me the strength and determination to continue in the next 12 months.

I also really enjoy the giving part of Christmas! Giving gifts that I have carefully selected for people in my life knowing that when they open their initial reaction makes the time and thought spent in finding the right gift makes it all totally worthwhile.

I guess this principle follows everyday of my life given than the reason a dedicate the time every day to write and share my Percy journal and to share the recipes I create. While I am primarily doing this all for myself I get a great deal of personal satisfaction giving to others who read and following me hoping to help, motivate and inspire others on the same path.

So in closing I am wishing that everyone had a safe and merry Christmas filled with good cheer! I know I was a lot more cheery than last yard as last year I was day 4 post op and was “enjoying” my liquid diet.