WHMP: 31 December 2017


As 2017 comes to a close I am reflecting on the year that has been!

The last year I have been in my sleeve cocoon, adjusting to my new world, changing and improving my life one day at a time! I have previously posted celebrating my journey so far so I don’t feel like I need to re-write it again.

Here it is for those who missed it – Celebrating 2017

I also think a picture is worth a thousand words so here is a short slide show of the best reflections I can every have. My eyes may not see the progress when I look in the mirror but I can not deny what I see in photos!

I am so very grateful for 2017, it has improved me as a person more than I could ever imagine.

I am so bloody excited for 2018. I don’t do resolutions…resolutions to me are intentions not actions. So instead I have goals, goals for 2018 that I will achieve!!

So what are my goals for 2018…..

πŸ’₯ to continue to lose more weight using my mini weight goals along the way to keep me motivated and focused

πŸ’₯ to reach my goal weight of 85kg

πŸ’₯ to continue my fitness journey with a goal to go to the gym 4-5 times a week with 2 cardio sessions and 2 cardio/weights

πŸ’₯ to get my BMI classification to overweight category

πŸ’₯ to get to a consistent size 14-16

πŸ’₯ to start the process for my relocation services (aka plastics for excess skin removal surgery)

πŸ’₯ to learn to be kinder to myself, to hopefully learn to see what others see instead of my warped perception of what I see and to learn how to graciously accept a compliment without diverting to a self deprecating joke.

πŸ’₯to try and work through to overcome my clothing anxieties and to learn how to dress to my new body shape to flatter my curves and to appreciate my new shape

πŸ’₯ to continue to share my journey and my recipes. I will continue to do this not only for myself but in the hope I can support, inspire and motivate others.

I have some big goals for 2018 but I’m stronger and more determined than ever to achieve each of these goals and share my progress along the way.