C4K Kitchen Meal Planner



The C4K Kitchen Meal Planning and Budget Shopping Guide

This collection of documents have been prepared to help C4Kers with planning their weekly meals without blowing the weekly shopping budget.

The C4K Weekly Meal Planner provides you with a template to plan all family meals for the entire week.  The C4K Weekly Dinner Planner provides you with a template to plan just the family dinners for the entire week.

To help you use these C4K Meal Planners you can use the Meal Planning & Budgeting Guide to help you along the way.  Other supporting documents to help you with meal planning and reducing your shopping bills are the C4K Home Supermarket List and the C4K Ideas List.

These documents collaboratively will help you plan your weekly meals and to shop for them in the most cost effective manner and don’t forget if you need some inspiration, don’t forget to check the collection of recipe available here at the C4K Kitchen.