HomeWhen Holly Met Percy WHMP: 18 July 2017

WHMP: 18 July 2017

Posted in : When Holly Met Percy on by : C4Kkitchen


The last few weeks I have noticed that my skin and lips especially have been exceptionally dry and waking up in the morning with the CPAP mask leaving red almost burn marks on my face. So for the last 3 nights I have not worn it.

I’m looking forward to my next appointment with the sleep specialist as I don’t think I will need it anymore as without it I have been sleeping really well and waking up more refreshed than when I do wear it. And all reports  have come back that I don’t make a peep while sleeping anymore. No more grizzly bear snoring!

Travelled back to Adelaide today and really struggled again with on the road eating.

I ended up buying a sandwich. It stayed down but sat super heavy. Percy really doesn’t like bread.

It was great being away but I’m looking forward to getting back into my food routines. I have no idea what tomorrow’s weigh in will result in after being away.

Hit the gym tonight (because I could) doing 20 minutes on the X-trainer for 133 calories and 40 minutes on the treadmill for 614 calories.

No idea if they are good numbers but I worked damn hard while I was there!